Saturday, January 22, 2011

Week 6

I'm dripping sweat as I'm typing this. I just finished my third Fit Test + my first Max Interval Circuit. Oh lordy. I was really, really sloppy during the max interval circuit because I was so winded from the fit test and the warm up! I pushed through though and actually finished. I might have died and come back to life at some point in between- who the hell knows! 

Here are my fit test results: 
Switch Kicks: 118
Power Jacks: 52 
Power Knees: 84
Power Jumps: 36
Globe Jumps: 12
Suicide Jumps: 20
Push Up Jacks: 19
Low Plank Obliques: 80 

I've improved on each exercise, but went down on Power Knees :(. I did 84 this time, and 89 the time before. What gives! 

So yeah, I agree with Krista- because the circuits are now an hour long, I found it hard to stay focused and motivated. Good thing Shaun has such a soothing voice. Also sometimes it's just a matter of focusing on the moment and letting yourself get into the rhythm of the moves. What helps me is to literally turn my brain off and pretend to be a robot. 

Also, I don't know what it is, but sometimes I feel really, really nauseated after the warm ups. I'm not a puker and don't have a weak stomach. It's not that I've been eating anything crazy beforehand either. It's weird that I feel like I'm going to vomit in the first few seconds of the stretch that follows the warm ups. ANyone else feel this way? 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Brooklyn: Day 40, Pushing Through

I hit a bump in the old Insanity road after getting sick at the start of the New Year. I developed an upper respiratory tract infection and a sinus infection which left me feeling chronically fatigued. I worked up to the 3rd fit test and then took a well-needed week-long break before starting the Max workouts.

As far as my fit test goes, I made a graph of my progress, because I'm kind of a nerd about these sorts of things:

I didn't really want to take the break considering that I was about to start the super-intense second month, and I do feel like it's made the Max workouts tougher on me than they're supposed to be. Oh well, I need to make sure I'm healthy first before I get Insane!

The new workouts in the second month are creative, and I'm curious about how many little weird exercises are still yet to come. My only problem with the Max workouts is that they're longer, which just kind of makes them boring. Most of them are about an hour long, and after about 30 minutes, it's hard for me to pay my full attention and really care about it any longer. I think it's partly because I do the workouts alone, so if anyone in Brooklyn wants to pair up (or any Philly people want to take the Chinatown bus up!) let me know!