Monday, November 8, 2010

fitter test....



Hey insanitypunx, the bookhouse is back to represent on day 15 for me and jon and day one for leigh ann....FIT TEST...

So....this still sucked when I was doing it, but I was really happy when I compared my numbers to my first fit test...

switch kicks, i went from 67 to 91
power jacks 35 to 45
power knees 50 to 70
power jumps from 16?ish to 28
globe jumps 5 to 12
suicide jumps 14 to 20
push up jacks 20 to 25
low plank obliques 41 to 50

Jon's numbers also mostly improved by a chunk. But he was really fuzzy on his numbers from the first fit test and also said his form was probs incorrect for a few of the exercises the first time.

switch kicks, from 80 to 125!
power jacks held steady at 52
power knees went from 89 to 80, but he was probs doing them correctly this time..
power jumps from 10 to 29!
globe jumps from 6 to 7
suicide jumps from 9 to 17
push up jacks from 15 to 31!
and low planks 56 to 49

Leigh Ann "Zig" decided to get in on this today since we would be doing the fit test, she seemed into it and hopefully we'll have another insanity punk on the roster....

her fit test:
switch kicks: 70
power jacks: 41
power knees : 76
power jumps: 24
globe jumps: 5
suicide jumps: 11
push up jacks: 25
low plank obliques :26

Here are some EXTREMELY FLATTERING pictures of me and jon....

That's it for this time...stoked to finish out the first month....and totally terrified of what those "max" workouts are going to be like...

1 comment:

  1. Woah dudes! Looking good. We added Stefan into the mix fulltime over at Hazel house and we also now have a 7am crew of Kevin and Sarah. We need to go on and Insanity punx field trip to a beach sometime this winter! or at least that indoor water park!

